Grant Proposal Process

How We Evaluate Proposals.

Learn about the steps involved for submitting a grant proposal application, as well as the criteria we use in evaluating proposals.

1. Check Eligibility

See if your organization qualifies for consideration based on the evaluation criteria provided on our website. If not eligible, please do not submit.

2. Complete Application

Fill out the grant proposal application form on our website and submit for our review. We will only accept your application request once per year.

3. Proposal Review

Each grant application is carefully reviewed by our board. We review requests monthly and annually, depending on the size of the request.

4. Await Response

Our Foundation will contact you via email on the status of your proposal. We do not accept unsolicited proposals or repeat requests in the same year.
Grant Criteria

Geographic Areas We Serve.

Eligible organizations should serve the communities in the states and counties we support. Requests for grants that serve outside of our states and counties will not be considered.
We focus our support to areas where our Founder lived and the current foundation members live now.
Our geographic focus areas:
Wisconsin – Dane, Iron, Marathon, Oneida, Vilas Counties
Nebraska – Douglas County
Minnesota – Hennepin, Ramsey Counties
Michigan – Washtenaw, Wayne Counties
Iowa – Page County
Colorado – El Paso County
Grant Criteria

Enhance Your Opportunities.

To receive grant approval, make sure your work falls within our program focus areas, that you serve within our geographic focus areas, and that your program has measurable outcomes.
Meet the objectives and goals of our Foundation.
Demonstrate tangible community benefit (in our focus areas).
Agree to perform annual evaluation.
Grant Criteria

Probability of Success.

We invest in programs that are accountable to their communities and that demonstrate continuous improvement.
Your organization has a proven track record.
Competency of management and staff.
Resources available to continue your work.
Grant Criteria

Size of Grant Request.

There is no limit to the grant amount. Past applicants with high-impact projects and informative grant proposals have been awarded as much as $50,000 per annual giving year.
The grant application form designates a specific grant amount.
If you have any questions about the grant request amount, you can email us before submitting your application.
Grant Criteria

Additional Considerations.

To ensure your application receives proper consideration, we recommend submitting your grant application before June 30. However, notifications regarding available funding opportunities will be posted on our homepage throughout the calendar year.
All applicants will receive grant decisions in writing via the email provided on the grant application form.
All approved grant recipients must submit a written summary of their grant progress.
We offer opportunities for feedback to all grant applicants whose proposals are not accepted.
Person using a laptop
Grant Proposal Process


Everything you need to know about our grant funding areas of focus. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact us.
How are foundations regulated?

In the United States, the federal government (IRS) requires that private foundations:

  • Pay out at least 5 percent of their endowment annually.
  • Pay an excise tax of 1 or 2 percent on their earnings.
  • Ensure that grant dollars are used for a charitable purpose. State governments also have oversight of foundations.
Does the foundation accept donations?

No, the May Family Foundation does not accept outside donations.

Do we need to have other funding sources?

Other funding sources are critical. The May Family Foundation is rarely the sole funder of any project. Referencing other funding sources in your grant application indicates your organization’s strategic planning for the sustainability of the initiative beyond the grant cycle. The May Family Foundation does not typically fund more than one-third of a given project.

How much money can I apply for?

There is no limit to the grant amount. Past applicants with high-impact projects and informative grant proposals have been awarded as much as $50,000 per annual giving year.

What if I have an urgent project?

In rare instances, the May Family Foundation will expedite grant processing for a project that has an urgent need and is closely aligned with our focus areas. Please contact ( to discuss your circumstances before submitting an urgent request.

Can an individual apply for funding?

Funding is made to qualifying charitable organizations, not to individuals.

How many years of funding may we request?

One-year projects are generally recommended. On occasion, multi-year requests are funded.

Is my organization eligible to receive funding through the foundation?

Public charities, exempt from Federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or governmental bodies, including schools and municipalities, are eligible to apply. If an organization does not have its own 501(c)(3) designation, May Family Foundation will accept proposals from nonprofits that are working under the formal designation of a fiscal sponsor that does have its own 501(c)(3) letter. Learn more about the focus areas that we fund.

What is a private foundation?

A foundation is an organization with a fund, or endowment, that gives money to other organizations for charitable purposes. A private foundation can be set up by an individual, family or business. In our case, Eleanor J. May set up the May Family Foundation.

What does the Foundation do and why is it important?

A private foundation is usually funded by a single source, such as an individual, family or corporation. It does not solicit funds from the public. Nonprofits and public charities generally fundraise and receive grants to carry out their work and are classified as tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Although some public charities engage in grant making activities, most conduct direct service or other tax-exempt activities.

What if our organization serves a geographic region larger than a specific County?

To be eligible for a grant, organizations must reside and projects must take place within the county borders of our geographic focus areas. If the activities will benefit residents both inside and outside these geographic focus areas, we recommend that you limit your funding requests to activities within the geographic area, although we understand that some crossover is inevitable. Here are our geographic focus areas:

  • Wisconsin – Dane, Iron, Marathon, Oneida, Vilas Counties
  • Nebraska – Douglas County
  • Minnesota – Hennepin, Ramsey Counties
  • Michigan – Washtenaw, Wayne Counties
  • Iowa – Page County
  • Colorado – El Paso County
What will not be funded by the May Family Foundation?

The following will not be considered for funding:

  • Individuals
  • Debt retirement
  • Lobbying
  • Organizations for religious purposes
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Simultaneous requests from the same organization
  • Sports & recreation, except in the case of those using sports programming for academic purposes